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Fatty 88cm Snowblades

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Snowblades sind kurze Skier für viel Spaß auf der Piste und im Park. Die kurze Länge macht Turns spielend leicht. Mit einer nicht auslösenden Bindung, die für alle Boots passt.


optimale Nutzung:
All Mountain, Park
Anfänger, Geübt
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Rezensionen   (4)

Verifizierter Käufer
"Great SnoBlades; easy to adjust bindings, very fun on packed snow."
Glenna Burmer (Seattle) 08.02.2018
Verifizierter Käufer
"Superb ski's at a superb price - well worth the wait. I''m in the USA and the came in from overseas so a slight delay is expected but even at that they were still at my house in about a week. I'd do business again with SkatePro!"
michael Mongan (WILD ROSE) 19.01.2018
Verifizierter Käufer
"Dear company, thank you very much for you've sent me the snowblades I chose. The delivery was so fast and everything arrived in a perfect condition. My new snowblades are just fantastic, amazing style, Colour, length and I am really looking forward to take them with me on the snow. Thanks again"
Tatiana Z. (London) 28.01.2016
Zeige alle 4 Rezensionen