Das Power-Edge-Design verbessert den Grip in den Kurven, indem es ein Urethanband zwischen der Lauffläche und der Nabe integriert. Dieses Design, das derzeit zum Patent angemeldet ist, unterstützt den Roller Derby-Spieler durch verbesserten Grip und Kontrolle.
Rezensionen (4)
Verifizierter Käufer | |
"These wheels feel really great so far. They are taking a little getting used to on the hard floor of my rink, but I like them!" | |
Robert Ahlness (Coconut Creek) | 05.07.2018 |
Verifizierter Käufer | |
"I've only had a couple training sessions on these, and although I'm still a newbie, I found these wheels so much better than my last, it's amazing what difference they made, last night I finally got my power slides down!!! Shout out to SkatePro for the hastey dispatch and cool stickers! You probs still have my address on file so feel free to send cool sticks whenever you feel like it!" | |
Jason Munro (Grimsby) | 03.04.2017 |